Monday, October 12, 2015

Practicing Summary and Paraphrase

In this blog post I will take a section from my article and paraphrase it then summarize it.

Watson, Bill. "Calvin and Hobbes." 10/12/15 via Pintrest.
Original Source:
“Toshiba has a 140-year history and was like a straight-A student when it came to corporate governance,” said Shin Ushijima, a lawyer who serves as president of the Corporate Governance Network, a watchdog group. “Toshiba shares are in everyone’s pension plans. Executives’ responsibility is extremely heavy.”

My paraphrase of original source:
Shin Ushijima, who works in legal matters as president of a group in charge of monitoring illegal activity within corporate functions, discusses how Toshiba had a lengthy history of being clean and honest in the way their finances were run. He stresses how impactful Toshiba was on the finances of many individuals, and the pressure this put on management.

My summary of the original source:
Shin Ushijima, an authority on finance management, remembers Toshiba's clean record, and discusses the obligation management has to the many lives Toshiba impacts.

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