Saturday, October 17, 2015

Paragraph Analysis 2

This blog post includes a link to a document which includes the body paragraphs of my project 2 draft, and my personal analysis of these paragraphs and what I learned after dissecting my own writing.

"Hamburger." 10/17/15 via Las Positas College

Link to paragraph analysis. (Update, still having issues with this, working on re-doing it in a different doc entirely, understand there will be a late penalty.)
First, I've had some issues with this Google document. I've been trying to update it as I update my draft, and then continue to analyze my paragraphs. However, the link has failed to work and I had to create a new document, replacing the previous one.
Second, I am structuring my ideas as smaller paragraphs so they are easier to read, and then am breaking them up into larger sections. For this reason analyzing each paragraph was different, as some of them contained some separate aspects of what I was required in each paragraph. Overall this exercise was very helpful, but a serious struggle.

The main thing I learned from my paragraph analysis is that I need more supporting information for my first portion of my paper. This might just have to do with the topic of these paragraphs however, as a majority of my initial work sets up the context of the article's content and discusses the author and publisher of the article. It is hard to provide support for this as I am, for the most part, communicating factual information. What I also discovered is that I find a good structure and systematic approach, I can ensure that all my body paragraphs are functioning correctly. Looking through each and seeing what is ideal, and what is weak, gives me a good idea of how to proceed with writing for the rest of my paper, and how to fix my weak work.

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