Sunday, October 25, 2015

Narrowing my Focus

This post includes a few edited questions from the previous post, and an explanation of why I think these are key to the focus of my project.

Jump, Paul. "Narrowing Road Sign." 10/23/15 via Times Higher Education
1. When did this controversy end/fizzle out? Is it still an issue today? Is Froome still under question today?
2. Was there any backlash about the freedom of social media and data?
3. What was proved about this controversy, and can anything be said about Froome's doping for sure?

I think these two questions address the main points of the issue. First, the initial question involves information about the current state of the controversy, and the importance of Froome's alleged doping, as well as the eventual outcome of the investigation, regarding whether or not Froome was evidently cheating. Second it deals with the information regarding the data, as well as the issue of it being removed.

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