Friday, September 25, 2015

Developing a Research Question

This blog post develops questions related to current business controversies, that will help me explore my own interests in research and information.

Y12. "Digital Question Mark." 08/04/15 via Clipart. Public Domain Dedication License.
There are always controversies with corporations, and something is always happening in the world of business. Recently though some of the biggest issues are scandals involving the CEO of Toshiba, the Subway controversy with their rep, and a string of controversies with Uber. These are only a few of the biggest recent issues, and there are always controversies in the market and in the economy, as business ties into so many things.

First I think a good question is, "What kind of controversies and big issues are going on with big corporations currently?" This question will answer what major drama and scandals are happening with big industry and important figures in companies. Most of this is national news, especially with extremely important corporations, but some lesser known companies are not as publicized.

Second, another good question is, "What are some of the issues and controversies that plagues small businesses?" This is good because it give me a different look at controversy involved in industry, and is the opposite end of the spectrum of the first question. These two questions together should provide a ton of information and results, allowing me a wide range of selection.

Last, I think a good question is "What are some controversial businesses?" Although this sounds similar to the first two questions, it is very different. The first two deal with controversy within large corporations, whereas this question looks at what corporations are controversial and questionable.

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