Saturday, September 12, 2015

Cluster of My Controversy

This blog post is a mind map or cluster of the controversy involving possible drug use by Chris Froome in the Tour de France, and the data that was released regarding Froome's physiology and bodily functions through certain portions of his race. As the specific controversy I am discussing is limited to a few parties, whereas doping in general in cycling is more widespread, I made my cluster include not only those involved with Froome, but big entities involved fully in doping and cycling. Even with this, my cluster is still fairly small, as there are not very many important individuals involved in the controversy.

Oh, Mathias. "Cycling Cluster." 09/12/15 via Coggle.

1 comment:

  1. As I said on the other "Cluster of my Controversy" post on which I commented, I like the Coggle platform of mind mapping which you used for this blog post. The format of your mind map is simple to understand and easy to follow and I like how the colors visually represent and separate the different sections. It seemed to me that your mind map was really general, though. From a peer perspective, I have no idea about the controversy at all because you did not go very in depth with explanations or details. I know that it is only a mind map, though, and that primarily it is meant to help you as a writer organize your thoughts, so I do not think that it really matters overall that I learned nothing about your controversy from reading your mind map. As long as you know what you are talking about and go into more detail when you actually write your Quick Reference Guide, you should be just fine. (:
