Saturday, August 29, 2015

Calendar Reflection

Between classes and swim practices I have very limited time for homework. Thus, making the most of the time I do have is very important for me to get good grades.

Weekends will be key to my success in English, and working ahead for the next deadline is very important. Also, working with my professors ahead of time for conflicting swimming events is a priority, as getting behind would be a pain to come back from. 

Also, I have mandatory study hall for six hours a week, as required by my coaches, and working efficiently during this time will also be crucial to me getting everything done in all my classes.

At the end of the day, I went to a community college and balanced school and swimming fine then, so I am used to managing my time and success academically, so I should be fine with my scholastic load my first semester. However, getting by is not enough, so can I go above and beyond in the classroom, while at the same time dominating in the pool?

I found while reading Chris and Mathilda's blog posts about time management, that everyone seems to be on top of their game. I would assume that this is because of the independence needed to make it through high school, so that you can go to a University, so it is understandable that college students can manage their time well. Also, if I ever do need advice or help with managing my work and school, I'm sure many of the people in the class will be able to help me with no problem.


  1. Although I am not participating in any school athletics this year, I did so in high school, so I understand the importance of using time wisely, as do you. You seem to be quite a bit better at time management than I am however. Like I said previously, I know how important it is, but I am very poor at it, which is definitely something that I need to work on. Since you seem to have everything all figured out, my only advice to you would to be to maintain your focus and just keep doing what you are doing. (:

  2. Dylan Cotter- Section 018 (12:30-1:45pm)

    How have you found the balancing of swim and homework has gone this semester? Was it more challenging than you thought?

    Do you find it hard to stay focused during your study hall hours? Or is it more of a discipline thing that you just get down to business right then and there?

    Do you feel this course takes up a lot more of your time than you thought?
